HydroDesktop is a free and open source desktop application developed in C# .NET that serves as a client for CUAHSI HIS WaterOneFlow web services data and includes data discovery, download, visualization, editing, and integration with other analysis and modeling tools.
The U.S. National Science Foundation supported Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences (CUAHSI - http://www.cuahsi.org) Hydrologic Information System (HIS) project includes extensive development of data storage and delivery tools and standards including WaterML (a language for sharing hydrologic data sets via web services), and HIS Server (a software tool set for delivering WaterML from a server). These and other CUASHI HIS tools have been under development and deployment for several years and together present a relatively complete software “stack”, to support the consistent storage and delivery of hydrologic and other environmental observation data. This paper describes the development of a new HIS software tool called “HydroDesktop” and the development of an online open source software development community to update and maintain the software.